NSWTOx Community Capacity Building

A blog for outreachers to access and exchange ideas and resources that promote, maintain and support community strengthening.

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Community Computer Recycling

For communities interested in setting up computer recyling this might be useful.
"Community Computer Recycling" is operated by Grant High School in South Australia to provide free computers (including software and basic training) to community organisations and people in need in our community. Students in the computer technician class gain practical skills through this program.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cert Outreach Pop Ed

Certificate in Outreach & Popular Èducation: here is the latest updated information of these Term 4, 2005 Workshops (13 Sept. 05)  

Community Capacity Building Workshops

We have just run 2 two-day workshops at Scott’s Head & Albury, and Kerrie Bowtell is writing up what happened and what was decided. Once her report is available, we will upload it on this site (probably in October 2005)