NSWTOx Community Capacity Building

A blog for outreachers to access and exchange ideas and resources that promote, maintain and support community strengthening.

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Friday, December 02, 2005

Nambbucca Heads Blogs to Strengthen Communities

This is an excellent example of using blogs for community strengthening. Kerry Grace has set this series of blogs that the community can immediately identify with, congratulations Kerry, you are a champion!!!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


In my research I came across this fabulous site:
What is community and why should educators be concerned with it? We explore the development of theory around community, and the significance of boundaries, social networks and social norms - and why attention to social capital and communion may be important.

Looking for Funding

Are you working with community organisations to maximise opportunities for people with specific needs through education, training and employment in the areas of Community Languages, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Communities, Youth and Intervention Support and looking for funding.

Checkout the DET Community Grants Funding.